Lighting Channels isolates the effect of light sources on the final rendering, so that:
- Balance illumination in scene without adjusting individual lights.
- Create dusk and nighttime scene by quickly lowering the intensity of sun and sky.
- Get results faster without having to re-render the scene.
- Quickly adjust the final rendering to get the lighting effects desired.
- Adjust both the sun and sky to create dusk, or nighttime renderings.
- Add 'self glow' to objects - such as TV monitors, or illuminates signs, and adjust them the balance with the rest of the scene.
Balanced lighting using lighting channels.

Lighting Channels is an important new feature of IRender nXt which lets you quickly adjust light sources - sun, sky and/or artificial lighting - individually quickly to balance the brightness and light balance of your rendering. (Now: Fully Integrated into the Batch Renderer.)
You can quickly adjust the intensity of each channel with a slide bar and immediately see the effect on the final rendering. This will saves time both in determining the relative intensities to use for light sources and in fine tuning the final image before publication.
While rendering, or after the rendering is completed, you can use the Lighting Channel Wizard to modify the rendered image by changing the intensities of the lighting channels. You can then adjust the intensity of the light sources, or save the Lighting Channel sttings to reuse the same channels in future renderings.
See: Lighting Channels